Category: Publishing

Happy Halloween everyone!

Hope everyone has a safe and happy day. And be careful in traffic! Not sure about other cities, but where I live, the rush hour on Halloween day is the WORST EVER. So be safe, careful, and allow yourselves plenty of time to get out with the little ones.

My grandbaby is going dressed up as a Cabbage Patch Doll :) I can’t wait to see pics!

A special for this Halloween – you can still order NO GRITS NO GLORY for a spooky read, but if you want something on sale, EARTHBOUND will be on sale until Monday 11/3 because I’m running an ad promotion.

So enjoy, have a great day!

Hi all,

I woke up to some happy & surprising news! The first book in the Elemental Clan Series (Water’s Blood) has been featured on Apple’s iBooks feature of the day!

You can see the link here – the book is free until November.


Book Cover for No Grits No Glory


NO GRITS NO GLORY releases today!

The book is a ghost story with intrigue, humor, and a bit of romance. Set in the already-deliciously-haunted Savannah, NO GRITS NO GLORY will surely entertain!

Buy now:

 Amazon  |  Nook  | Apple  | Kobo  | Google Play

I woke up this morning to an email from Amazon. They wrote a letter to all indie authors who publish via their program, KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing).

You can read the letter here.

In a nutshell, this leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I feel like Amazon & Hachette are kindergarten rivals playing in the sandbox, and each one refuses to share. What’s weirder is that KDP authors have nothing to do with this rivalry. We want customers & readers to be the ones who drive the market price up or down.

I don’t doubt that this will be a long journey, but for now, this gal is staying away from the sandbox.