Category: Writing Tips

Hi all,

I’m guest blogging over at my Twitter friend Tracey’s blog today – come have a glass of tea and join in!

We’re talking book setting :)

Read the post here.


Well, I never thought I would be gleeful and saying, “Yay! He’s dead!” so often in one week.

No, I am not a terrible person. But when I’m seeking to use a quote from a copyrighted work, I do smile when I notice the person has been dead at least 70 years. That means I *can* use the quote in question.

I listened to a copyright attorney give a seminar about a month ago. One item he mentioned was that in order to use a lyric, quote, poem from someone without worry of copyright infringement was to ensure the creator has been dead for at least 70 years. That means, anyone that died in the 1800s, 1910, etc. – their quotes can be used (for the most part – there are always exceptions).

For my Southern Ghosts Series, I have quotes before every chapter in Book 1. At first I thought I would have to remove them all, but it turns out, most of the creators have been dead 75-300 years. Yay! So true, while I don’t cheer on death, I am happy I can use most of the quotes. For some, I am seeking permission. For others, I will simply remove the quote and use another one that is legal.

You never know what phrase is going to make you happy when you wake up in the morning…

Happy Monday all! This summer is going by way too quickly!

I’m blogging over at Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal (FFP) today on characters and getting them to talk to you again! Check it out here.

We celebrated our granddaughter’s first birthday over the 4th of July weekend; a great time was had by all. I will be at the RWA National Conference in San Antonio, TX, and will be signing at the Indie Book Signing there.

Have a great week!

Hi all!

I’m guest blogging today for Kate Hill. Read the post on character is story here.

Thx and happy Monday!

Hi all,

Sharon Clare is having me guest post on her blog today. You can read the post about editing  and listening to your inner voice here.

Stop by and leave a comment if you can!