Category: Writing Tips

Hey all,

I’m blogging about the ups and downs of Indie Pubbing today on Meg’s blog. Check it out here.

The blog content got me to thinking that this would be good as a series, so I may write some more topics on the subject – stay tuned!

Elaine Calloway


Happy weekend all :) Yes, I’m still coughing. Hope it gets better soon. Meanwhile, my Twitter friend Lorna has me featured in an interview Q&A on her blog. Read it here. Thanks and have a good weekend!

Happy Hump Day! Yes, it’s Wednesday. And you know what that means – halfway through the week. Bring on those obnoxious commercials where the camel walks around asking everyone in their cubicles what day it is. When someone finally guesses Hump Day, the camel laughs. Yeah. Silly.

Anyway, I just read a guest blog by the fabulous Tiffany Reisz. She talks about back story and how it can weigh down the beginning of a book. Often by Hump Day, we get weighed down with work but we can see the end of the week. Somehow (probably because I have not had all my caffeine yet) these 2 items related in my mind.

What is the point of this post? Other than one should always drink caffeine before writing, you ask? Well, it’s that today is Hump Day. Celebrate. And remember if you’re writing a book, be sure to craft in backstory without going into info dump mode.

As Bugs Bunny would say, that’s all folks! And if you want to read the article by Tiffany Reisz, click here.

Music, for me, is like a conduit straight into the heart of the muse. Some people like writing or doing other activities in silence. I can’t. Whether it’s driving in the car, writing a book, or doing daily tasks, I need music.

For writing, I create a soundtrack for each book. It’s a mysterious process and I have no idea why some songs work and others don’t. That’s the beauty of music. It works or it doesn’t. In addition to a soundtrack, there is always *that one song* that gets me inspired.

For WATER’S BLOOD, the key song was Furnace Room Lullaby by Neko Case (

For RAGING FIRE, the key song was “Try” by PINK. (

For EARTHBOUND, the key song is “Demons” by Imagine Dragons.

What about y’all? What songs inspire you? Give you energy?

Hi everyone!

I’m guest blogging today about marketing/promo tips for the Indie Author.

Check it out here! Thanks!
